⚠️SCAM TOKENS FROM BLOGGERS WITH A LARGE AUDIENCES Recently, I started to observe that many crypto bloggers and crypto publishers in Telegram started to sell tokens to their audience, which supposedly will give crazy Xs, but then delete the channel and make huge money on it 👀 Top 3 signs of scam: ➡️Token is only on PancakeSwap - putting a coin there is quite an easy task ➡️Shoutout posts about high-profile announcements (tomorrow listing on all kinds of exchanges, Binance CEO mentioned our token on his Twitter, our coin has already given 10x and has capitalization of millions of dollars) ➡️Zero or about zero transactions on the coin (all transactions to buy the coin can be verified via BscScan (https://bscscan.com/)) Always check little known coins you want to invest in 🆘
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