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Notes on crypto marketing and token launch 101 from Amos Zhang talk at ETH Denver - Legal structure is important - costs range from $20k-$200k depending on needs. Might want to incorporate into multiple juridiction, in Switzerland you need a no-action letter takes 6+ months to obtain.
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- Design tokenomics focusing on utility and value capture (make sure your token is in sync with your product offering), distribution (% allocated to team, treasury, ecosystem incentives, marketing budget...), lockups (restrictions placed on token holders)
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- Once legal and tokenomics planned, listing strategies (ways to get a token listed and traded on exchanges) cost can vary a lot. Study factors like DEX vs CEX (high fees), liquidity programs, supply and demand (where do your ideal users trade)
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- Market making and treasury management provide liquidity (creating bids and offers for a specific token) but involve opportunity costs to have in mind.
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- Stages of community-building and marketing: pre-listing (future airdrop and incentives to generate hype), listing/IDO/Airdrop (increase awareness), post-listing (continuous marketing efforts to grow). Educating users and bringing awareness on what they're getting into should be part of the budget to promote a token
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- The execution part of marketing everything starts with the product, attract developpers, business development and partnerships are very important, content marketing (not only blog posts but video and active social media), distribution/amplification (attracting pr and media)
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