Hello TeamConcentric: I’m open to ANYTHING here. I’m now offering 128 million NSC for the $22k. Frankly, between all of us, I have undergone such unbearable loss that I don’t even comprehend owning anything, and all I want to do is GIVE MY PATENTS AWAY TO ANYONE WHO WILL HELP ME LAUNCH THIS CURRENCY. I will give hundreds of millions of NSC just to see it be born. PLEASE NAME ANY TERMS. You’ve heard P2B say the preSALE starts at a dime. That’s the floor. There is no ceiling. PLEASE: will someone PLEASE find anybody on earth today who is able and willing to invest in the blockchain space. I don’t know how else to ask. This is NOT for me. It is for the world. They DESPERATELY NEED MY SCIENCE and the REMARKABLE response from the world that you are all witnessing is PROOF. PLEASE HELP ME HELP THEM. Thank you for your consideration. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F_2truy199OHM9GTCSIYaxsyE-HbGmIh/view?usp=drivesdk
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Our organization is now gaining agreements for over $250M in new work EVERY DAY. The demand for what and who Concentric is, is unstoppable now. There are EXTRAORDINARILY great gains at hand for EVERYONE. Let us not miss this momentous moment.
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