Commodore pfp
a DAO owned pro sports club; what could go wrong? a case study thread 🧵 the conclusion will surprise you
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Commodore pfp
@krausehouse became the world's 1st DAO to buy a pro sports team, the Ball Hogs luckily the ownership group was open minded to bringing a native DAO into the ownership group they built a novel structure of NFTs to facilitate the deal
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Commodore pfp
every league (best thought of as a collection of owners that appoint an exec to operate) & owner think about ownership differently the phrase we've heard from the NBA to EPL to MLP is the same: "one throat to choke" the owners collective want to be able to hold a single individual accountable to make changes to protect the collective
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Commodore pfp
why does this all matter? fan ownership isn't a crazy idea but it is complicated every fan wants to be special but special how? is it luck? is it meritocratic? is it by spend?
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