Navy pfp



64 Following

Navy pfp
I can share his email to you through DMs.
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Navy pfp
Hey @dwr.eth, can you please invite my friend Proto to Farcaster? He sent emails to you but you must've missed them. He's a close friend of mine and my brother in arms. Would love to have his gigabrain here on Farcaster. We're working on something together.
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Navy pfp
Logging into Warpcast on web is 10x easier than Twitter or Discord. These guys are onto something great.
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Navy pfp
The art looks great. Why not mint on Polygon or Arbitrum? The mint price is so low. I’m paying 5x in gas fees.
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Navy pfp
What are your world views? I’ll ask the questions.
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Navy pfp
It made it up? So weird. You should ask PG on Twitter.
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Navy pfp
Interesting. Why would he keep the tweet still on? Go ask him over there?
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Navy pfp
I do love that. A real world problem this distributed infrastructure is solving is a simple escrow. If I’m escrowing $1B, I’d only use Ethereum and nothing else. Don’t take me wrong. I’m being a devils advocate here only to flesh out real usecases by invoking thoughtful conversations. I <3 ETH
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Navy pfp
Assuming the dev tools exist, what real world problem are we solving here? We have built a global financial market where you can trade stocks. But the govts will never allow that. We have built a Forex system that makes cross border payments seamless, but govts are shutting off stablecoins rn.
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Navy pfp
I feel like these dev problems will be solved at scale as soon as there’s a huge amount of demand is created for writing blockchain code. When there’s a shit ton of demand, devs will start using Huff, Rust on Ethereum, and other languages to build on ETH and the dev tools will be built for them as well
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Navy pfp
The search engine is broken and the keywords are sold to the highest bidder. You’re not getting the best product/services, you’re getting the mediocre ones sold by the incumbents vs better products by the new entrants.
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Navy pfp
Economics, sports, games, culture, women, longevity and fitness.
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Navy pfp
+ anti money laundering laws are total bs.
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Navy pfp
My info will still be with a centralised service provider. The US govt can reach their hand to fetch it anytime. I don’t trust the US. Also, it’s only for the US citizens which I’m not.
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Navy pfp
I have no issues with paying for twitter. But I fear the possibility of getting doxxed through hacks because I have to give my phone number and my credit card. There’s no reason for them to not accept crypto. ph no isn’t needed as it’s cheaper than $7 to get a new sim.
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Navy pfp
And what problem do web3 users face on a daily basis? Also, what problems are there in the real world that NEED web3 to solve them?
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Navy pfp
Totally with you. It is insane to have a global settle layer for, say, stablecoins swaps, protocol ownership(Uniswap), etc. It wasn’t a rhetorical question, I’m trying to look for the answers to “what comes next”. It seems as though we’ve stopped looking.
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Navy pfp
I’m still incredibly bullish on Ethereum. I’m just exploring the next steps.
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Navy pfp
I got into crypto during the bull market and even bought Ethereum at $4k. Although I’m net up, I told my dad with conviction “Dad I’m joining the space myself, it means I’m pumping my own bags. It’ll go 10x from here” What’s the usecase for Ethereum again?
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Navy pfp
Are you someone who fits this description?
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