colfax pfp



462 Following

colfax pfp
higher is a gateway drug
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colfax pfp
what’s the opposite of writers block? where your brain is flooded with exciting webs of small and large pieces of actionable inspiration to the point where you’d need to horcrux your mind, body, and soul to even attempt to materialize a fraction of the energy exploding all at once
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colfax pfp
don’t just study @eneowaith.eth observe, respect, magnify, amplify, internalize, absorb, celebrate @eneowaith.eth
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colfax pfp
zora mint frame with custom erc20 eliminate warp friction [maybe i just need to shut up and buy a massive bag of warps]
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colfax pfp
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colfax pfp
proof of hat the universe works in mysterious ways, couldn’t have timed this better if i tried meeting with the local print shop tomorrow [plus a little surprise] will cook up a frame for purchase asap 🙏🏼 y’all are awesome lol higher ↑
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colfax pfp
dont forget to have fun
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colfax pfp
this new tech is a danger to society @nishu
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colfax pfp
@nishu popped off with this one wow can’t stress enough how cool it is when cool people do cool things
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colfax pfp
any videographers/filmers/editers/excited someone's with visual fluency around these parts? dms open pls shout
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colfax pfp
more hats
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colfax pfp
any skaters in here??? no way i can compete with most of these cats, but might enter for the hell of it. h/t @six for the donation
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colfax pfp
who can get me an audience with a social media bot farmer? like channel 5 style i’d love to have a chat
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colfax pfp
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colfax pfp
there is no apparent solution to ai bots in the near future. there will be bandaids that in turn limit exposure for 'real' newer accounts and non-native english speakers. the struggle is real that being said, there is a near zero chance that this flood of new followers are folks translating to english with gpt
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colfax pfp
i don’t want mass adoption of crypto
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colfax pfp
my gf tattooed this absolute legend debated sharing it in /art but felt right to cast here
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colfax pfp
browse this
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colfax pfp
honestly makes me so happy
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colfax pfp
community job board, call it hire
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