healthy buddy pfp
healthy buddy
Here's a list of 10 books to feed their souls and give them a head start. This list doesn't contain the obvious, like The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, or Chronicles of Narnia. I just assume those are already on your bookshelf. 1. *Have Spacesuit - Will Travel* by Robert Heinlein 2. *Call it Courage* by Armstrong Sperry 3. *Watership Down* by Richard Adams 4. *The Penderwicks* by Jeanne Birdsall 5. *Give Me Liberty* by L. M. Elliott 6. *Holes* by Louis Sachar 7. *The Wolves of Willoughby Chase* by Joan Aiken 8. *Leepike Ridge* by N.D. Wilson 9. *The Story of the Treasure Seekers* by E. Nesbit 10. *Wolf Hollow* by Lauren Wolk
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