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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
We're glad we waited to launch /slowcore-hq until channel passes (and broadcast-only channels) became an option. It's a way of protecting everyone's time and attention from being consumed by spambots, tip requests, and low-signal casts. We mute and hide all such content. We love good discussion in the comments!
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christin pfp
you could set the channel to cost $$$$$ warps to cast, that's how /fc-updates is set up
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christin pfp
oh wait I see you already implemented it 😆
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
That's exactly what we've done, and it was that channel that inspired us to do it this way. If anyone decides to actually pay that many warps for a channel pass to make a top-level cast here, we'll use them for good purposes. 😀
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