Chetan Badhe pfp

Chetan Badhe


33 Following

Chetan Badhe pfp
Chetan Badhe
"Just logged into Farcaster after ages. My feed's swamped with DEGEN stuff. Missing the old days when the content was top-notch. 😔
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Chetan Badhe pfp
Chetan Badhe
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.” - Jim Rohn
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Chetan Badhe pfp
Chetan Badhe
“To be everywhere is to be nowhere.” - Seneca
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Chetan Badhe pfp
Chetan Badhe
Has anyone build Twitter to Farcaster bridge yet?
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Chetan Badhe pfp
Chetan Badhe
Hello World!
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