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This week I nominate @solana because ... Today's Based Gooeys lore is about the Wily Wisp! Natural tricksters, Wily Wisps are spirits comprised of energy flows found throughout the island. While Wisps can appear across the lands, they tend to congregate around the Shimmering Fields due to its abundant energy flows. Wily Wisps have a mischievous chaotic nature, often attempting to lure, scare and steal from unwary Gooeys as sport and entertainment. Wily Wisps are able to change form, playing tricks on naïve Gooeys. They often imitate the appearance of Gooeys as a way to lure unsuspecting Gooeys into dangerous situations. Benevolent Gooeys commonly fall victim to Wily Wisps, mistaking them for their kin in need of assistance.
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