Chao Lam pfp

Chao Lam


43 Following

Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
This reminds me of the Steve Jobs quote about connecting the dots looking backwards... in 20 years, we're going to look backwards and realize what a profound new path you've created for all of us!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Zoiks, that’s in Malaysia and part of all the apartments that China’s Evergrande built and now can’t sell!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
In further episodes, I would love to hear them talk about the *granularity* of an iteration, and relatedly: when and how should I speed up my iterations? Instant subscribe!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
"The thing that you can do the longest is the thing that makes you the happiest and that's a key component to becoming the best"
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
♥️♥️♥️ @christin's new show: 🆗 /okbanger 🆗 ♥️ their critiques of what makes a banger tweet ♥️ the episode's theme of Iteration. A few of their own bangers: "Iteration is like a game of improv" and...
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
GPL required any software that used (derived from) it to also be GPL licensed. Sort of an early version of "bake production distribution into code" 😆 ! It did lead us to Linux, so I guess it's influence is still considerable and immense
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Yes, you made me look it up. GPL has dropped to 16th! (according to top google result Synopsys)
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
"Idealists vs Pragmatists" reminds me of the early open source wars between GNU License and the far more permissive MIT, BSD etc. licenses. I think it's pretty safe to say the pragmatists won there!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Taiwan has 14 Costcos! 😜
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Or try sturdier sandals!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Ooh, reminds me a little of Skittish
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
is that like shaping people's desires?
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Wow, I wonder if you got the bad end of "how greedy can we get" A/B test!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
8am is early!
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Oh no i missed this
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Spirituality is simply what happens when we open ourselves to something greater than ourselves - Jonathan Sacks quoted by Luis Burgis in Wanting
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
@christin any thoughts about Tru Diagnostic as recommended by Ben Zhu
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
Oops, I thought you meant ‘greater than’ 150
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Chao Lam pfp
Chao Lam
I use this Balans chair that allow for different motions from standing
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