cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
what ever happened to the Net Neutrality movement? from what I remember, that was a relatively mainstream movement that was highly aligned with Web3 values
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cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
@dwr.eth sorry I deleted and reposted so last your comment - why is Tim Wu anti-crypto? wouldn’t blockchains solve for a lot of the problems with Internet centralization?
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛇ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛇ
Didn’t that shitheel FCC guy Ajit Pai like kill net neutrality in almost every capacity?
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Christian Montoya 🦊 pfp
Christian Montoya 🦊
All the horror stories that were claimed turned out to be untrue
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