cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
does anybody have experience working with using the multicall function on the ENS Resolver contract to edit multiple text records at once? cc @greg know you are a wizard with ENS stuff
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Greg pfp
I actually haven’t used multicall yet but should probs know how it works - will dive in later and get back to you
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cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
amazing - I’m just trying to reverse engineer the data payload it seems it starts with the identifier for the multicall function (ac9650d8) then 20 (/32 in hex - guessing this is referring to the fact that the type is byte32) then number of functions called in the multicall (2,3,4, etc.) after that I’m lost
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Greg pfp
got it - here's a detailed example of how to prepare the multicall data
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cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
who needs ChatGPT when you have Greg I’d pay you $42/mo for a direct line tbh
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