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They been sucking my balls, massaging them, licking them, tie the ropes around them, so they get no blood within them, so I couldn't cum longer as my head was down and my legs were above. I wanted to cum so hard. I even remember how I was rubbing on a carpet. It was the first time I felt erection. That time I was a 24 years old grown baby. I came on my hamster and he drowned in my cum that day. I cried alot because his fur absorbed all my cum and I couldn't taste it my self. But he has taken the punch for himself - the little-little creature, but with the big-big alpha heart. The 15 inch dildo was still in my mouth. 13 hours passed, I'n still crucified and still cannot cum. The guys were still hungry. They got tired of balls and now they got to the dick. They cut rope from it, as it was as blue as the blue laguna bt that time, even white. They started to devour my dick. Forward-backwards, forward-backwards, forward-backwards. One done, oh look at that cocksucker he got tired! When I was in your position 0 reply
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