polynya pfp
By now I'm sure many of you are tired of hearing me moan about how this industry is obsessed with blind hopium, especially around infra tokens, while completely neglecting what actually matters and reality So might as well just say my piece https://polynya.mirror.xyz/e54yv9c2im2Fy72jxbA2qKfCvWxjAaMnQUbp5YDqaEY
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Cate pfp
But that's just Darwin — survival of the busiest, right? Thought this bear market would've cleaned those ghost chains. Financial models look pretty sketch for VCs without on-chain economic activity. And VCs aren't seeing returns unless they flip investments in new rounds, betting on potential over actual revenues.
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Cate pfp
VCs should be looking into real-world projects. We need brains to make blockchain actually useful, make tokens about more than just speculation—utility. That's how we get lasting value and a crypto economy that's more than just a bubble.
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