Jacob Homanics pfp
Jacob Homanics
@carlfluke.eth I had tried your suggestion to vm.roll() after every transaction and unfortunately still see the mempool error (in fact more than I saw before!). Any suggestions?
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Carl Fluke pfp
Carl Fluke
Hey, I did a fork and added start/stopBroadcast steps to reduce to 4 transactions. I am not having an issue deploying to base sepolia. I switched the foundry toml to point to alchemy, and did a few deploys between using 5 songs, 20, or all. https://github.com/cfluke-cb/music-nfts/tree/cfluke/start-stop-deploy
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Jacob Homanics pfp
Jacob Homanics
Thanks for checking. I can deploy to base sepolia just fine, even without the vm.rolls(). The issue is when I try it on base mainnet. Maybe I just need to switch the alchemy URL? Or will that just give me more insight?
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