Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I’ve got a petite present for anyone looking to find new Casters to follow this weekend 🎁 I’ve fixed (finally) after a long hiatus Mindlessly tap and explore to your heart’s content 🥲💜🫡
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ildi pfp
I love this tool, great work! Would be cool if I could target a specific group of fid's. First 1000 users or last 500 users to join FC. Another idea is to let me provide a keyword, let's say "hiphop" and only show me users who have casted that keyword before and then display those casts in "recent casts" section.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Awesome suggestions 🫡 Quick question though - why haven’t you used something like @df for this yet? I think you can do it there.
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ildi pfp
Sometimes you don't want to scroll a feed and prefer the shuffle interface. As much as I like Discove, I still find that creating Coves requires too much effort. In the screenshot below, there is no visible setting to only show me casts made by the last 500 users to join FC.
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