Camellia pfp



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Camellia pfp
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Camellia pfp
Dreamt of someone aiming a silver diode at my right brain, siphoning memories away. I woke up terrified. Something was missing, but I couldn’t tell what. How do I know which memories are still mine? Or if some were never mine to begin with?
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Camellia pfp
Travel no longer calls to me like it once did. Beyond tasting local flavours, meeting old friends, and stumbling upon small wonders, sightseeing feels like a waste of time, rarely does anything truly amaze me. I finally understand why Pessoa never needed to leave home to create entire universe. The joy of wandering the mind is a freedom unlike any other. Today, I met a guy with a tattoo inspired by Plato’s Origin of Love, the same idea behind Stephen Trask’s song in Hedwig and the Angry Inch. It speaks to something timeless: the longing for a soulmate, someone who truly sees you. Perhaps that, more than any journey, is one of life’s greatest pursuits.
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Camellia pfp
写鸿篇巨制小说的过程太过孤单且容易精神分裂,这里认识我的人比较少,决定从这里分享我写小说的过程➕吐槽。 目前手头有一个写了七八万字的架空小说(暂定名《寒烬未央》),设定为架空的东南西北中五大陆(南疆瘴气毒林,西漠黄沙狂风,东岛暗流赤焰,中州龙气金光,北境雪峰虎啸)。第一卷聚焦北境。目标是类似于《魔戒》《权力的游戏》这样的玄幻➕权谋鸿篇巨制。 写小说当然要有缪斯,第一卷的男主基于适和杨洋,女主目前内娱暂时没什么能入我法眼的形象。之后陆续更新章节小样和写作过程中的一切。
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Camellia pfp
Ten years ago, life handed me everything I could have wanted on a silver platter. But I wasn't ready then. I couldn't recognize the value of what was right in front of me. Feeling undeserving, I turned and ran away. Now, after years of growth and experience, I finally have the confidence to embrace such opportunities. But I see that moment has passed. The people have changed, circumstances have shifted. Everything I once failed to cherish now exists only as memories, fading quietly into the distance of time.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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Camellia pfp
在这个信息爆炸的时代,写作不仅是个人情感的寄托,更是思想碰撞的舞台。无论是日常生活中的点滴思考,还是对社会现象的深刻剖析,文字都为我们提供了一个表达自我的窗口。正如古人所言:「文字是灵魂的延伸」。 为什么在人工智能可以轻松生成内容的今天,我们还要学习写作?为什么在可以让AI代替我们回复邮件的时代,我们还要亲自动笔? 答案很简单:真正的写作从来不只是文字的堆砌,而是思想的锤炼和灵魂的对话。 写作让你意识到你对自己想分享的内容其实并不理解,但正是通过写作的过程,你有机会弄清楚想说想写的主题。正如硅谷教父Paul Graham所说,「一个优秀的作家不应该只是思考,然后把他的想法记录下来,而是在写作的过程中发现新的东西。」 在这个信息冗余且信噪比糟糕的时代,生产内容变得易如反掌。但写作的真正挑战不在...
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Camellia pfp
Jet lag is a writer’s quiet accomplice, pulling you from sleep into the stillness of the night. No footsteps, no voices, just the hush of rain against the window, the wind weaving through the dark. The world is stripped bare, and in that solitude, the words come alive.
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Camellia pfp
Fifteen years ago, I left home to explore the world. Back then, I thought the problems I saw were unique to China. Over time, I realized something surprising: the whole world runs on the same messy human systems, just with different packaging. I've traveled everywhere, from New York to small towns in Scandinavia, from Tokyo to lazy Mediterranean villages. What struck me most was how similar our problems are. Slow bureaucracy, rigid social classes, unspoken rules, and power games exist everywhere. American politicians make the same empty promises as leaders back in China. European wealth passes down through generations just like Chinese "rich kids" do. Japanese social awareness mirrors Chinese workplace politics. When you look closely, the differences between East and West fade away. People are fundamentally the same wherever you go. We share the same hopes, fears, selfishness, and capacity for kindness. We're all playing similar roles on the same human stage. Since people are similar everywhere, maybe ...
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Camellia pfp
Friends say my life is a fireworks show, bursting in colours no one can predict. Years ago, in the rain by the Thames, I ran through seven tube stations, water splashing at my heels. But now, under the grey skies of West Lake, I can’t even leave the couch. Three years back, I refused to touch coriander, picking out every leaf no matter how finely chopped. But last week, at a street stall, I devoured a bowl of spicy noodles without realising it was sprinkled with the very thing I once despised. Some changes happen quietly, by the time you notice, the old self is already gone. My wardrobe has seen stranger rebellions. Last year, under Forest City’s scorching sun, I stuffed all my colourful clothes into a donation bin. Black took over my hangers like crows settling in a sycamore. But look at old photos, and you’ll find a girl drifting through Europe, always dressed in something bright. A digital nomad’s life is a feast in motion, leaving behind scattered fragments of old selves. Some call me fickl...
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Camellia pfp
想象一下,在创作的殿堂里,你拥有了一位无所不知的助手。它不是普通的助手,而是可以瞬间调取人类历史长河中所有智慧结晶的超级大脑。这就是AI带给我们创作者的魔法时刻。 然而,AI就像一位天赋异禀却缺乏灵魂的艺术家。它能够绘制出技术完美的画作,却难以捕捉到令人心动的瞬间;它能写出流畅的文字,却未必懂得文字背后的深意。 这就是为什么我们的品味如此珍贵。 当AI的无限知识与创作者独特的审美视角相遇,艺术的火花才开始迸发。就像一位优秀的指挥家,你的品味决定着交响乐的走向;AI则是你手下训练有素的乐团,能够完美执行你的每一个想法。 在这个信息爆炸的时代,建立自己的知识体系比以往任何时候都更加重要。它不仅是你灵感的储存库,更是教会AI理解你独特视角的关键。 很多人误解了AI的本质。它不是在削弱专业知识的重要...
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Camellia pfp
My podcast guest Jinjin created this yearly calendar, featuring a quote from his previous podcast appearances for each day. On my birthday, the quote I got was “You Exist,” a great reminder! 🩵
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Camellia pfp
I can already feel it the pulse of meeting you again after all these years, each detail vivid, each moment alive. But with the imagination already complete in my mind, I wonder: should it stay untouched, or must it step into reality?
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Camellia pfp
Amazing! Who's up to apply for the Network School V2? If you'd like to know more about my experience of the Network School V1, feel free to read my article here
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Camellia pfp
除夕来灵岩寺拜拜🙏 📍 地址:山东济南长清区万德镇 ⏳ 年龄:东晋出生,今年1600+岁(真正的老网红! ✨ 必打卡亮点 1️⃣ 千佛殿の神仙罗汉 40尊宋代彩塑罗汉,梁启超盖章“海内第一名塑”!每一尊的表情、衣纹都像在演一部微电影🎬,有的皱眉沉思,有的怒目降魔,仿佛下一秒就要从《黑神话》里跳出来打妖怪! 2️⃣ 辟支塔:唐代高冷御姐 54米高的九层砖塔,自带“生人勿近”气场!站在塔下抬头看,瞬间脑补游戏里大圣腾云驾雾撞破塔顶的名场面~ 3️⃣ 墓塔林:暗黑风拉满 167座高僧墓塔+碑刻群,阴雨天去直接穿越《黑神话》副本!斑驳石刻里藏着多少未解之谜?或许只有妖王才知道…👻 🎮 灵岩寺 VS 黑神话:隔空千年的美学对话 游戏里金刚力士的肌肉线条、妖王邪魅的眼神,简直像把千佛殿的罗汉“黑化”了!传统彩塑+暗黑脑洞,妥妥的文...
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Camellia pfp
介绍几本女性作家的作品: 《𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝘽𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛》𝙗𝙮 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖 𝙆𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙫𝙖 心理学博士如何摇身一变成为国际扑克锦标赛冠军?作者Maria为了研究大众做决策背后的心理历程而跟着扑克大师从零学起,运用人类心理和行为模式分析而在男性主导的扑克世界中摘得桂冠。Maria通过玩牌总结出的经验教训其实也都可以运用在生活当中。 - 扑克世界中运气扮演着重要的角色,即使你准备得再充分,如果运气不佳也会影响发挥。你只能尽力去能控制你可以控制的部分,那就是你自己。掌控自己在面临压力下的应对思路,掌控自己的情绪。 - 现场玩牌时懂得察言观色会助你一臂之力,不仅需要观察对手的一言一行,同时也要注意自己的行为举止,时刻问问自己,我做这个决策背后的思路是什么?我是否有充足的证据可...
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Camellia pfp
大家好,我是旅居新西兰十年,欧洲六年的双语作家Camellia! 目前暂居里斯本,有一个叫做「理想屯」的播客和小报童,以及Chiwi Journal播客和newsletter!期待和大家交流关于AI、数字游民等话题,我的网站 (左边是我,去年刚从Balaji的网络学校待了三个月哈哈哈)
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Camellia pfp
Got any sci-fi book recommendations? One of my goals this year is to dive into as many sci-fi books as possible. I've already read pretty much everything by Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, and various Chinese sci-fi writers. What else should I check out? 😊
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Camellia pfp
I’m glad I didn’t read His Master’s Voice by Stanisław Lem or The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa when I first started writing. If I had, I might have felt that everything I wanted to say had already been written, and I’d wonder why I should bother writing at all. Looking back, it makes sense that reading bad books wasn’t a waste of time; on the other hand, it encouraged me to create something better myself.
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Camellia pfp
Kicking off our 4th Network State Writing Cohort! It’s incredible to see participants joining from all over the world, Australia, the United States, Singapore, India, Argentina, the UK, and China! Super glad to see both new faces and familiar ones from the 1729 community. @thenetworkstate
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Camellia pfp
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