Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
Who here has tinnitus? I have a constant ringing in my ears (usually worse at night) that’s roughly in the 14khz range. No cure, nothing I’ve found to help that much with symptoms either. Only way to live with it is to learn to accept it. https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/
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Aleks Bykhun pfp
Aleks Bykhun
I have these coming and going, it’s quite rare but quite usual Lasts for a minute or so, usually comes with stressful activities However, I also get similar thing in my teeth, they feel as if haptic motor is connected to them. This started a year ago on vipassana and never went away
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Aleks Bykhun pfp
Aleks Bykhun
Gotta say, it’s quite scary, you feel that your body betrays you At the same time, your literal sensorial abilities aren’t impacted, so in a way when you focus on it being a complete illusion, it kinda helps Yours might be different though, but I remember I was freaking out at first, and conceptually this helped
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