Wes pfp



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Wes pfp
And there it is. The young guns Moody and Jk picking up the vets low energy/shit effort. Time for the vets to pay it back, and show the kids how a fucking champ closes it out.
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Wes pfp
Get cp3 in there and let’s get some structure and order.
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Wes pfp
The start to this game has been worrying to say the least. Team looks so relaxed. And not in a good way.
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Wes pfp
Really missing JK on these back to backs. He was the energy on nights like these. Vets looked so tired
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Wes pfp
That was an impressive AF 4 minute stint for the point god.
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Wes pfp
C’mon we can run this!
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Wes pfp
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Wes pfp
Best Wiggins game in two years. Not sure what got into him, but my god it’s so crazy to watch when he actually turns it on.
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Wes pfp
Warriors are going to win because TJD can do 75-80% of what draymond does at this point. There I said it. And yeah I know this is cope.
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Wes pfp
Good defensive effort despite the first couple minutes. I’ll talk it at this point
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Wes pfp
The rare GSW blowouts this season have such a nostalgic feel. Kind of takes you back to the good ol’ days. It’s also super appearant that Pat Spencer is the future.
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Wes pfp
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Wes pfp
Alright we good. Xray negative. Reevaluate in a couple days. Rest up 30. Enjoy some days off.
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Wes pfp
Le Merge
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Wes pfp
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Wes pfp
At the start of the season the ceiling was how best the veteran’s could maintain their performance. It’s flipped. The ceiling is now how much higher can the young ones grow. And rather than worry about how slow the ceiling is falling, we get to watch with excitement as the a new ceiling is only rising.
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Wes pfp
Those first five minutes from JK combined with TJD minutes through 2nd-3rd makes this season a success. Long term, the team is going to be fine if they keep drafting and developing like this.
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Wes pfp
Yeah it’s not often a game is over before the half, but this one most definitely is…
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Wes pfp
So who do with think JKs player comps are if he hits his true ceiling?
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Wes pfp
Moody has played some great defense this entire game
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