btjack pfp



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btjack pfp
Does ZK work?
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btjack pfp
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btjack pfp
The market is expected to pick up in October. There is still a possibility of another decline, but it is not big. The safety margin of building a position at this position will be very good. Those who have surplus can consider entering the market. We see $100,000 by the end of the year. ETH will rise to $8,000. Don't be afraid, don't be anxious, the market is like this, it doesn't change every time, it's the same every time, hold on brothers.
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btjack pfp
ZK is the future
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btjack pfp
first day
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btjack pfp
The crypto panic index has reached 30 points, the lowest point of the year. Is this a signal? I think that if you enter the market at this time, the future returns will not be too bad. The safety margin of this position is relatively high, and the cost performance is also reasonable compared to May. At least you can partially build a position. Summer is always a season when the crypto market does not perform well. Let us wait and see. The market is expected to arrive in early winter. According to past experience, the impact of the coming cold winter on the crypto market is almost negligible. Don't miss it.⤴️ ⤴️ ⤴️
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btjack pfp
Buffett has said several times that if his father was a shoe salesman, he would probably be a shoe salesman now. It's not that selling shoes is bad, it's also an honor to be able to earn money to support yourself and your family. Yes, this is not a story about how to sell shoes, but to tell this story to illustrate the influence of a father on his children. Buffett's father was a bond salesman, which led to Buffett being exposed to the securities market and various stocks since he was a child, which was the key starting point for him to become a billionaire.
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btjack pfp
Does this measure increase safety risks? After all, taxi drivers usually cut in line.
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btjack pfp
1: What people need to invest successfully is not just an investment creed, but more of a correct mindset. 2: There is a huge gap between knowing what you hold and being able to withstand huge market fluctuations. 3: There is a huge difference between knowing this path and taking this path. It is not easy to integrate knowledge and action. Most people ignore this.
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btjack pfp
Some tips for having "influence" 1: If you want to convince someone to do something with you, it's best to emphasize freedom. 2: The most powerful way to get people not to do something is to appeal to fear. 3: To attract attention, you need to be novel. 4: To make people determined to act, your statement must be simple and direct. 5: To gain support, one technique is visualization. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
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btjack pfp
After reading some investment books, I found that the investment methods of experts are not actually in investment, but in other places. It is hard to describe what this place is specifically, and it is a bit like "the effort is beyond the poem". Many novices make mistakes when they enter the market, and they work hard and waste time in the wrong direction. They either leave the market with losses or get stuck and ignore it.
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btjack pfp
You only need to make a fortune once. Don't make money you don't want.
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btjack pfp
Be patient, ignore noise, and be a friend of time.
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btjack pfp
ZK can be bought. The current cost performance is relatively high, and it may continue to fall by 10% to 20%. You can buy in batches. If there is no investment advice, please be responsible for it yourself.
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btjack pfp
Is the era of hairy hair coming to an end? What do you think?
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btjack pfp
It's really sad that there is no translation function. It's not very convenient to use, but it also motivates me to learn English.
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btjack pfp
Why was it ignored at that time?
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btjack pfp
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