DY pfp



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DY pfp
In the past, every round of crashes has featured mainstream meme madness as the idiosyncratic symptom, as it was the last round of money transmission. And this time, meme was the only round where money was channeled, and when that track also went down in general, one couldn't help but feel a bit shaky.
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DY pfp
When everyone is trading coins, don't panic. When I first started trading coins, I was also anxious. A 20% drop and a loss of tens of thousands made me very anxious Later, I calmed down and observed the trend carefully, carefully considered the changes in the market, secretly pondered the movements of the main forces, and carefully seized every opportunity to buy at the bottom. After multiple rounds of buying at the bottom, I finally lost all of the initial capital of 300,000. I am now looking for a job as a security guard or cleaner.
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DY pfp
Save Crypto! @vitalik.eth
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DY pfp
During the NFT craze, people bought BAYC for 200e because the culture conveyed by BAYC seemed unique and enchanting: buy BAYC, become a top-notch person. But later, who would have thought that having an NFT avatar would be equivalent to wearing a big "loss" sign on your head? Oh, FUCK! This has similarities to memes.
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DY pfp
When we are discussing a meme with cultural attributes, don't get too involved, because the value of any meme's namesake coin can be worth thousands. If this has cultural attributes, why doesn't that one? Because that one didn't pull the disk? So, only pulling the disk has cultural attributes? This reminds me of the past cultural narrative of NFTs.
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DY pfp
The main difference between VC Coin and MEME Coin: 1⃣ VC coins talk about doing things, meme coins talk about making markets, but both want retail investors to take over; 2⃣ VC Coin's 100x parry on explicit cards, explicit parry; MEME Coin's implied 10,000x parry, apparent fairness; 3⃣ VC coins usually talk about changing the world, MEME coins usually talk about the spirit of resistance; 4⃣ VC coins economic models, project narratives are always complex and obscure, meme coins tend to be simple and brutal; 5⃣ VC coins talk about the future, meme coins talk about pulling plates.
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DY pfp
Friend said: This bull market is a year to see the true face of the currency circle. Careful consideration is terrifying: If 99% of VC coins are all in a high bubble, then what is the difference between participating in these high bubble coins for speculation and playing meme?
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DY pfp
同一个频道可以发几个币吗? 比如degen的频道,只能有degen这一个币还是其他的也有,只是没跑出来?
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DY pfp
degate what do you think of this project?
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DY pfp
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DY pfp
,则一堆的问题待解决:怎么确定那是错误?改正后如何优化? 解决不了,就会觉得是句废话。
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DY pfp
一句很简单的话,可能是无数投资智慧的凝结,理解了可能就打开了一个装满财富的宝箱,但要拿到又还有一个过程。 举例来说:改正一个错误的时机是越早越好,越早代价越小。 初步理解就是及时止损,实操呢?
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DY pfp
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DY pfp
$pepe 很猛,但是40亿的FDV,已经难以给我激动的感觉了。 继续躺平,等待挥杆一击的时候吧
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DY pfp
想到币圈百亿美元以上FDV项目一大堆,都在讲美好的未来,莫名感到一阵空虚…… 作为一个炒几百亿美元空气的玩家,面对每月几十亿美元的解锁,一切分析都显得如此空洞无力。
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DY pfp
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DY pfp
Sol上meme发币平台pump fun虽然每天都是在pvp,但其24小时收入相当于base、uniswap、ldo、cake的总和…… meme的时代?
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DY pfp
人生是一场游戏,想要登顶,要么拼工作量、要么找攻略、要么开外挂、要么去充值。 普通人没人充值,也不会有外挂,最重要的就是找攻略,同时配以工作量。
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DY pfp
符文这一波预谋已久,因此也割得最狠。 在这场大戏中,庄家、镰刀、韭菜,没有中间选项。
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DY pfp
币圈十大错觉: 这把稳了 这肯定大涨 只是正常回调 还是会涨回去的 这把只是运气差点 我暴富只是时间问题 不可能我割了就大涨吧 这个走势非常强肯定上车 不可能这么强我还会被套住 只要我不割肉死死拿住谁能割我?
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