BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp



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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Damn, this stellar airdrop is my easist fumble just because I didn't connect my degen wallet to my farcaster , what kind of criteria is this? Looking through the eligible names, the criteria is quite tricky, if you are eligible on farcaster criteria , you are not eligible on wallet activity(cause opsec, cold wallets)
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Today's alpha: Use Vivaldi browser, explore its features and thank me later.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
My personal list of real value add and underrated peeps without nonsense on Farcaster. (I'll keep on adding the profiles under this cast over time) 1. @stellabelle 2. @thief 3. @shual 4. @0xkirby 5. @bernardo-cafe
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Purging my follow list, I need to do DD , removing the default recommendations and carefully selecting influenzas who still have a soul here. I don't want Farcaster to ever turn into friendtech where you are going to lie to your followers and use them as exit liquidity.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. Tip him here:
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
I can tip in season 4. This feels liberating.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Can someone get a list of usernames / wallets in this channel please ? is there a way to scrape them yet? Working on something.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Every thing on this list on a fire sale, started DCAing ,will load up more if BTC breaks below 54k (unlikely)
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
The first thing I'm going to do after monthly claim is creating useful bounties with my allocation and putting in a lil more effort for tipping content creators eho puts in effort. First bounty, a list of all channels on Farcaster by number of users from top to low,popular to worse etc
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
if you are an L1, L2, L3 or whatever the fuck you are, an airdrop for community should be more than 10% , i don't care what ponzinomics you do for your VC friends but don't call 0.5-1% supply for months of grinding as an airdrop.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
one day in 2026 , you look back at your farcaster posts and you will be wondering how fucking early and lucky you are to be blessed with all the opportunities and the volatility.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
List of bags I'm giga bullish on 1. FIL 2. PHA 3. FTM 4. CANTO 5.ARKM 6. DIMO 7.DEGEN 8.AMPLEFORTH 9.ONDO 10.APT 11. SUI 12. MONAD (after launch) 13. BNB 14. SOL 15.most super chains built on OP stack (eg ZORA) 16.ROSE 17.PENDLE
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Frame by @tom-major Check your first cast creation. It's better we create a thread and posting all the tools / frames under it so noobs can follow easily without bookmarking a ton of casts.
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
having an amazing time with @farhouse @stellabelle @ramitphi @theonlycakeone @thephilosopher @thedude @beingwayne.eth @faepaulinee Audio quality is amazing, no rugging like twitter , can send tips when you like a point in the middle of conversation, most of all the human touch of hearing voices behind the avatars. 😍
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
at any given time, i'm irresponsibly long on myself with big comfofy spot bags and 10-20x lev long bags on my progress when I'm on beast mode
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
People hate engagement farming here on farcaster, I have been studying the top casters by allowance and the insights are mind blowing. Out of them all, the one who grinds like hell all the while being funny and sometimes clickbaity,cringy (routine shit we say, hodl, we are early etc) is @imthedude Learned a lot 🫡
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Being familiar with most of crypto twitter lore and ability to understand all the CT drama will make your suffering worthwhile when you are pushing the same tnx on solana for the 39th fucking time. Aaaaaaaaa
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BrokeBrah.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Can we have a NFT collection for first 1000 students of /cryptoart-school , we can make it gated via a tg group (discord sucks and scams are too clever there ) @stellabelle we can collectively decide the concept, traits , even better if we all can draw something to make the collection truly unique
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