bookish pfp



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bookish pfp
I've been deep down in my writing hole these past many days. But FINALLY got a break-through that gives me all the writing ju ju I need to power ahead. Now just to get through the school day. How is your work coming along?
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bookish pfp
You know what? In spite of everything, life really is good <3
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bookish pfp
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bookish pfp
*All her life, Laura was programmed to avoid risk. After the twins died, obsession took hold: keep Laura alive. So, Mom and Dad alternated between watching the news and kneeling at their bedsides in prayer, to ward off worldly dangers that might jump out of the television screen and come for their remaining child.*
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bookish pfp
take your trauma and give it to the gods
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bookish pfp
a picture is worth a thousand words... if it's the right word.
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bookish pfp
That’s some bullshih
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bookish pfp
Our 8yo informed us he has a second brain just for keeping track of all his crushes. I don't know if I feel proud or scared.
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bookish pfp
I’ve accidentally taken a different approach with end stage Copper Girl: I’m layering heavily instead of grasping for more new plot points that don’t exist and guess what? As I layer, old plot points tie themselves off!
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bookish pfp
Chipping away at Copper Girl, and all my focus is there right now. Literally. SoooOOOoOOooo, Hollow Creek is on hold, but I have some chapters done to share soon! Hoping tomorrow :)
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bookish pfp
On the eve of my 25th birthday, I logged into with one birthday wish to end them all. He messaged me about Reno 911, and the rest is history. There will never be the right /words to describe our love @bitfloorsghost.eth but that doesn't meant I won't keep searching for them.
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bookish pfp
I can’t be alone in wrongly guessing this
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bookish pfp
sometimes, i think, we just want to chase after life like a kid chases a lightning bug. we use ambition as a reason. a reason to learn, to travel, to run, to return, to make money, to lose it. but do we need these excuses? at what point are we allowed to just the thing? just because?
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bookish pfp
My literal worst fear 😭😭😭
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bookish pfp
Psych out. What do you have planned for the weekend?
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bookish pfp
Gn fam
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bookish pfp
Book release 🙏🏻 Claim it for old time’s sake. Remember chain mail
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bookish pfp
“Oh, no, no. I met Laura nearly twenty years ago.” Her shadowy gaze flicked like a pair of houseflies searching, desperate, for a cracked window. “I met Laura Fucking Stone the very same day I met Jon-Jon’s father."
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bookish pfp
What is one problem you're having with writing or publishing right now? Maybe we can help solve it!
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bookish pfp
he thought one day he'd walk technology, am i right? but at least he can talk! and he has sight! "what?" "sorry," you move in closer, "what?" you don't have a clue. he looks away. so do you. thanks to computers, he can stay home and watch. and you won't see him again fuck you. all of you.
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