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🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🤬🥶🤬🥶🤬🥶🤬🥶🤬🥶🤬 Seriously WTF 🤬 is going on in the PLS ecosystem?? Carnage EVERYWHERE you look, ATROPA … -70% pDAI ……….-55% pWBTC …..-60% Almost everything is down from 15% to 75% in matter of hours .. Something doesn’t add up tho.. When pDAI was at 0.03$ I thought the biggest shakeout would be when Ricardo sells. -Why did Ricky sell 3.69% of his pDAI into PLSX ? -Why did someone join sommies telegram group under the name “Richard Heart” and post one line , “ I have tweeted .” …. No one uses a period when they tweet except….. Then when checked , he actually did tweet about pDAI. -Why did @9ironcapital post a huge thread with lots of new ideas and no one has ever seen? I am for real and gonna take this a blessing to sell everything at the bottom … like a boss 🤪
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