Lily Watson pfp

Lily Watson


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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
POV: You held #crypto through the dips.
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
“Blockchain infrastructure allows, for the very first time, for us to re-envision what the Internet is supposed to be.” circle’s ddisparte joins #Chainlink’s The Future Is On series to dive into the mass adoption of stablecoins ↓
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Metalpha deposited 6,999 $ETH($16.4M) to #Binance again 1 hour ago. #Metalpha has deposited a total of 62,588 $ETH($145.1M) to #Binance in the past 6 days and currently holds 23.5K $ETH($55M).
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
打探到消息说 Pumpbtcxyz 融了波大的,赶忙去舔了点他们的 VIP Pass 白单给大家 持有者权益反正就是那些积分啊,资格啊之类的,大家都懂 价格:freemint 总量:5555 🎁 抽5 x VIP Pass WL 1⃣关注 WWTLitee & Pumpbtcxyz 2⃣ & Like 3⃣留下EVM地址 ⏰我心情好的时候开奖(任性)
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
据 SCMP 报道,香港目前正在探索是否让证券及期货事务监察委员会 (SFC) 与香港海关 (C&ED) 一起参与监管场外交易 (OTC) 虚拟资产交易服务。据知情人士透露,香港证券交易委员会已就可能为加密货币场外交易服务实施新的许可制度征求业内人士的意见,这将使证券监管机构与 C&ED 合作监督这些公司。
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
今日作业: 1. OpenSocial 融资1100万美金旗下 SoMon第三季明牌空投,可以同时获得OpenSocial+SoMon两种代币奖励: 2. CEC空投领取: 3. Arcium融资900万美金,第一周NFT领取: 4. XION可以绑定OKX钱包:
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
👥✍️ ANALYST COVERAGE 👥✍️ The first community analyst coverage dashboard just went live on Token Terminal Discover. The dashboard "Uniswap\
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Solana will be an epicentre of the bullrun and billion $$$ opportunities are emerging. mantis is an SVM L2 (a.k.a. network extension) on solana powering best execution. Earn native yield while accessing DeFi on any chain. You can still be early. 🧵 on $PICA x MANTIS
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Other recommendations: • Daily notes by cchungccc → • Token collections by ViktorDefi → • Daily macro news by thedailydegenhq → • Weekly narratives by thedefivillain →
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
其实黑电和数码品类的高级和新款贵我是能理解的。因为技术在不断革新。研发费用很高。比如4090显卡,比如100寸OLED。 但是白电和厨电的嘉格纳,美诺我感觉是纯智商税😅为啥这么多富人愿意去交这个智商税?
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
alexlmiller: Great day today, an old cable I’ve been saving for 8 years just came in handy!
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Moca_Network: Mocalizing more consumers with ForbesWeb3 🫡 Mocaverse takeover, incoming 👁️
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Puffer 有大毛潜质,至少是个中毛 很多人应该都不知道Puffer的银河任务,做了可能会有惊喜 答题:A-B-B-B 2.pufeth持有者
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
WilsonCusack: Session key are coming. Prepare 🫡
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Arguing how to make Ethereum a “profitable business” by analyzing blobspace usage while BTC has never been nor will ever be a “profitable business” & BTC dominance continues to grow should be a sign to take a step back & reflect. Abandoning ETH as money was a mistake.
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
Introducing Explore - A new way to discover apps, actions and frames - Works on mobile - Developers can submit their app to be listed
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
【币币为你爆】🎙️ 读懂香港虚拟资产的「新基建」:托管服务才是「房间里的大象」? ETF 和稳定币背后,OSL 等托管商已然成为确保香港虚拟资产生态进一步繁荣的「新基建」。
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Lily Watson pfp
Lily Watson
juliadewahl: Looking forward to this!! I’ll be speaking about how we can make progress in nuclear power ☢️
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