Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
I probably am in the top 2% of Farcaster active users and I still have no f’kng idea what the purple dao controversy this week is all about
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
My conclusion after reading the replies @farcasteradmin.eth believes purple is poorly managed and not serving its stated goals You can either try to enact change from within or start something new He’s decided to start something new I wish him all the best! And I hope purple keeps improving as well!
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
@purpler thinks it's the @purplest
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
The reality seems simple to me: @purpler is an interesting twist on @purple that can coexist/complement: https://warpcast.com/tldr/0xb08adf The controversy due to fact that Boro intro’d it with trollish flair — as a kind of direct critique of @purple: https://warpcast.com/borodutch/0xd84240
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🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩 pfp
🟢Royal, not Lorde🎩
@farcasteradmin.eth has summed up the motivation in a few castsfor starting @purpler but https://www.alphacaster.xyz/dao/purple-publicgoods/prop/28 seems to be the focus of the controversy and the straw that broke the camel's back AFAICT.
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🌹 Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌹 Zach Harris 🥀
I’m not sure either, but it certainly seems like a lot of people are spending a lot of time focused on petty bullshit. Just because you have the gas and an NFT to vote doesn’t mean that you should. I’ve delegated my vote to @kmacb.eth and I wish all those are color blind the best. I’ll gladly send back the NFT.
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0xUgly pfp
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SolanaDEGEN1 🎩 pfp
SolanaDEGEN1 🎩
Did you tune in to Brians stream? @br1an.eth
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