Benjamin Hughes pfp

Benjamin Hughes


68 Following

Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
Even better: weighted cable crunch. One set of these will grow your abs more due to the added load. A lot of people think abs is limited to body weight: using weights is a MAJOR cheat code
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
Does anyone have any advice on improving and building a sales funnel for consumer apps?
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
Hey you should tip me - just added DEGEN to our trading platform
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
In all moments it can be recognized that the feeling and idea of self is an illusion. Where is the ocean of awareness within which these processes operate? Chill as the ocean, don’t get stuck in the waves or in a current.
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
It took me years and some mystical experiences to realize non duality was what I was looking for the whole time. And it’s right there on the surface. I agree.
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
How can I create a new channel? I want to start #mindfulness
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
What’s a player gotta do for some AWS credits
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
My biggest mistake as a startup founder has been neglecting the sales and growth side of things. It’s easy to build and perfect tech in a vacuum - it’s harder to earn adoption and build an ecosystem around it. Looking forward to turning this into a strength in 2024 - year of sales LFG! 🚀
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
Yes you’re missing out. You can build mock-ups to test w users really fast in Figma, no code required
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Benjamin Hughes pfp
Benjamin Hughes
Dang I was in the beta but lost my username to @benjamin apparently. The game is set nerd #firstCast
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