Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
FC, what are the top three reasons you’ll unfollow someone? For me: (1) spam/content not as interesting as anticipated (2) pugnacious in approach to voicing disagreement (3) excessive, unnecessary profanity
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
I think I’ve lost followers to 2. But recently have played the childish game that I unfollowed someone because they unfollowed me because I express my thoughts in private I didn’t like their approach to business. Personally all there are good reasons. Others would be specificity in focus.
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Can you elaborate on *specificity in focus*? As in, hyper focused on a topic that's outside your area of interest?
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
Yeah. I did this with Twitter. Farcaster I’m a loose canon. I love everyone too much to unfollow people. Unless I’m being childish.
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