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I thought for a long time what content is more suitable here. I do a lot of things and for such diversity, Telegram is ideal for me, where I can freely publish everything I do. But i need to choose what will be better here.
My Main areas:
🔸Long-term investments in crypto, collecting portfolios
🔸Various point smart moves
🔸Arbitrage of spreads and funding
🔸Dropshort strategies.
I can probably classify my activities like this.
I decided that short point posts are more suitable for content here, so I reject the first 4 options, since I often write longreads there and often need links to third-party sources that this site does not really like, and there is no way to insert a link into the text, so the post will look terrible.
As a result, I decided that I will give here what I test for arbitrage and drop-short strategies. Perhaps, sometimes, some other moves. Of course, to follow everything, you better subscribe to the Telegram channel and chat. 1 reply
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Can I get into a 100-200k position somewhere? I can. But I will never do it until my bank is several million. Of course, with such loud statements and poses you can get more "eyes", but then end up without a face.
That's why I go within my capabilities and even if everything is bad, I still have a plan for several steps. Even if we now go into a bear market, but I don't believe in it, I still have a plan.
I will not lose all the money, just as I will not earn a life-change from one single position.
In 2022, on the bear market, I had a bank in crypto up to $ 30,000 and somehow survived ...
"Recoup" - forget this word.
U need RM, U need BRAIN, U need TIME! 0 reply
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Never spam on Warpcast and got Spam label, to say that this is strange is to say nothing. Yes, i really not do so much there, my main content focus is Telegram channel, our community chat, and also Youtube.
I Don't know what i did to have Spam label.
I didn't spam anyone's PMs or comments.
I didn't share frames often.
I didn't post here that often in general...
I didn't use AI.
I don't know if it's really possible to remove it
If I don't consider myself a spammer, why am I a spammer?
I've seen a lot of accounts that just come in and write "GM" as a dailywork and that's it. Who aren't interested in making any content at all, I don't want to offend anyone, of course, it's just a fact. They have no spam Label. So, does this social network need only such accounts? Or few shares of frames cost "spam lebel"?
Ok i will write also good morning / good night and a few words that first come to my mind: "pineapple", "Tea". That's was enough to have no Spam Label? 😆 1 reply
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