max ↑🎩 pfp
max ↑🎩
Interesting how every time small counties always lean red and bigger cities lean blue sometimes can even be a single big city that’s blue in an all red state do people in bigger cities generally have different values? more receptive to mainstream news? more capitalist?
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downshift pfp
more education and more exposure to a variety of others’ struggles and world views -> more progressive political stances
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Yaroslav⚡️ pfp
i guess this is something that deals with the concept of urbanization people staying in rural areas are traditional by default while people moving to cities are getting more exposed – to other people with different views/cultures/ideas etc, thus becoming more progressive i'd say that reps have much more conservative agenda in general than the dems do (crypto policy seems like an exclusion here lol but it basically corresponds with low regulations ideology that is typical of red party)
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Noah Bragg 🔥 pfp
Noah Bragg 🔥
yes and yes. not sure if more capitalist has to do with it though.
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cosmic-thinker.eth  🎩 pfp
cosmic-thinker.eth 🎩
Small town—small town mentality
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