Brian Armstrong pfp

Brian Armstrong


43 Following

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
This is going to be a fun one
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Many merchants pay 2-4% in fees to accept credit cards. You as the consumer are paying this fee one way or another in the form of higher prices. Merchants can accept USDC on Base for free (subsidized as the true cost is under 1 cent). Letโ€™s fix payments with L2s!
3 replies
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18 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
If youโ€™re in DC come check out Compass Coffee - you can pay with crypto (zero fees paying with USDC on Base), and get a free can of coffee if you mint their NFT. 1201 Half St SE, Washington, DC 20003 Shout out to @slice for hosting the Point of Sale software ๐Ÿ™ and Compass founder Michael Haft.
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Base pfp
This is how easy it is to buy girl scout cookies with USDC powered by @coinbasewallet, @slice, and /base ๐Ÿช
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
2. Weโ€™ll continue shipping frames and resources for builders. Get started building here:
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18 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
1. Itโ€™s great to see Farcaster expand the utility of casts with frames. @Base and @CoinbaseWallet have been utilizing frames and @warpshop uses the Coinbase Commerce API to create an โ€˜in-frame shop' which feels like the future of onchain shopping.
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Jesse Pollak ๐Ÿ”ต pfp
Jesse Pollak ๐Ÿ”ต
preview of @base's upcoming onchain office - our team will work here full time (we already do in a smaller office) - we'll take meetings here (guests can join lobby + rooms) - there will be hack desks that we open up to the ecosystem we're working to do all this onchain: incredible token-gating use case
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784 reactions

Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
The Frame Transactions spec is ready for feedback! Please share your thoughts in replies, comments or DMs. Your feedback is very important to help us get the design right.
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
@barmstrong cc @zizzamia
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Team checking on it Cc @sid
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
USDC on Base is free right now We might need to do an L3 if this scales up tho
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Should likes on Warpcast also be micro-transactions/tips? I realize we have warps - but they seem duplicative. If every like sent $0.10 in USDC on Base to the poster (and you could tap it as many times as you want) I think we'd see a lot more value going to creators.
188 replies
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677 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
55 replies
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155 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Lots of analysts googling Farcaster right now (hopefully) Hope they sign up!
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27 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
@coinbase marketing team crushing it: watch video -> mint NFT -> get the swag
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Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
45 replies
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345 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Great to see
25 replies
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178 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
@dwr.eth and @v, just wanted to give yโ€™all a shout out. Persistence and determination is paying off, you assembled a great team, are shipping rapidly (action produces information), and are seeing sparks. Bullish!
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
Shout out to all the hard work in the last week by the base team in supporting /frames builders ๐Ÿ‘ from everyone in the community, thank you. Your work isn't going unnoticed - base is now not just the preferred chain of the Farcaster community, it's now used more than all other chains combined.
19 replies
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104 reactions

Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Great progress!
12 replies
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114 reactions