baomeng  pfp



1834 Following

baomeng  pfp
Check your realtime $DEGEN allowance. Frame by @downshift.eth.
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baomeng  pfp
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baomeng  pfp
空投待办事项列表 ⌲ LayerZero $ZRO 空投认领 [手续费较高,使用 Base 链认领] 🔗 ⌲ Grass 在仪表板中连接钱包 [空投即将到来,请做好准备接收] 🔗… ⌲ Taiko 新空投任务 🔗… ⌲ Ancient L2 [空投活动] 🔗 ⌲ Superform 'Superfrens 活动' 🔗…
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baomeng  pfp
jupiter团队自愿减少30%的 $jup 总供应,还要将明年的团队解锁全部再锁一年到2026年6月,这样相当于 $jup 是个一轮牛市里现流通即全流通的币了,一轮牛市能多久? 全仓jup,必有福报
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baomeng  pfp
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baomeng  pfp
少量的钱大量的时间 1、奥德赛多号参与,其实我知道这个项目撸不到大毛,就是一份猪脚饭甚至没有,但是算算投入的时间精力成本,就算一个号15u,号多了我也能收益一些,有的甚至单号100u那不是已经很不错了嘛,总比没有强对吧,所以我还是会去参与! 2、测试网脚本参与,反正卷呗,那就一块卷,有就有,没有也不难受 3、链游,或许大家应该重视一下链游的撸毛,大多数游戏空投只要是需要你狠狠肝游戏的,可以投研一下看看是否值得参与,基本来说通过肝游戏的收益不会低,不要说自己没时间不会参与,游戏也有脚本,看你愿不愿意去研究去用设备挂机了 4、特意提一下ton链的小游戏,“airdrop+Gamefi+memecoin”三类集成一体的玩法,还是建议参与下,说不定真能形成一个板块呢
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baomeng  pfp
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baomeng  pfp
On June 21, Richmond Fed Chairman Baldin said that the Fed needs to further clarify the inflation path before cutting interest rates Baldin, who has a vote on monetary policy this year, said that the policy is well positioned and added that the Fed has the strength needed to curb inflation.
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baomeng  pfp
I'm doing something with $CDS @catsdosomething on @base! Ready to join the purrlitical revolution. #YesWeCat #catsdosomething #OnchainSummer #Election2024 Use my referral link 😻
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baomeng  pfp
On June 19, Jupiter co-founder Meow published a message on social media to announce the main proposals of the J4J plan draft, including: It is proposed to increase the total supply of JUP by 30%.
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baomeng  pfp
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) can perform various operations on encrypted data without decrypting it first, so that the privacy of data is highly protected. At the same time, FHE provides strong security guarantees for fields such as cloud computing and blockchain. Generally speaking, FHE is a very promising and groundbreaking track. FHE technology can effectively protect user data privacy while realizing safe sharing and processing of data.
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baomeng  pfp
This social agreement mechanism is really unequal and open. Why is it only useful for badges? This seems very authoritarian, and the project development will be restricted.
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baomeng  pfp
Layerzero is here to save ZK? Bleak Let us understand that good and bad are compared? Sorry, zk, I scolded you before scolding too loudly and spent all my strength ... No, help me, I want to continue to scold Layerzero😡
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baomeng  pfp
After so many beating, have you started thinking about $ atom and IBC? No PUA / Give you Vote right / IBC almost free / no responsible system airdrop / no witch / project party quarrel to let retail investors watch the scene Do you believe in the governance of the currency governance of L2 or the governance empowerment of $ atom? Do you believe in the inspirational inflation of L2 coins to unlock or believe in the inflation of $ atom? After buying a pledge, the hacker stolen currency had to be with scientists
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baomeng  pfp
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baomeng  pfp
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baomeng  pfp
底下四位项目创始人,哪位看起来大方一点?选定后就狠狠撸它 1. scroll 2. blast 3. linea 4. farcaster
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baomeng  pfp
zksync和layerzero之后,还有哪些毛可以撸? linea:做不完的任务; scroll:国产项目的后遗症让人望而却步; zora:mint不完的球! 而bera、movement、monad,注定是脚本党的天下,卷出天际!
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baomeng  pfp
当下买什么币确定性和性价比较好? 答案:ETH, 持有哪些山寨能走到对岸,可能涨幅会更大一些? 答案:ARB、OP、ENA、ETHFI, 如何在这轮牛市赚麻? 答案:立刻马上现价买入上面五种币长拿,属于以太坊系的闪光时刻即将到来。
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baomeng  pfp
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, join @nikolaiii on alfafrens to suppport, chat, and get early access to new frames & tools: 搞笑了,今天没有额度了
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