Tran Van Nam 🎩 pfp
Tran Van Nam 🎩
You know a man who talks about karma is the most ignorant man. Because every cause can be changed immediately, every cause and the effect of that cause can be shattered. To keep on saying: "This is my misfortune, i did this in the past, therefore i am this" - that is too childish! Because cause and effect related together, what was the cause becomes the effect, and what was the effect become the cause, and that can be broken. And to break with it you must come into contact with it, and not just live in words.
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Bánh Ú 🎭 pfp
Bánh Ú 🎭
🎁🤤💯 Đây là một nguồn cảm hứng to lớn cho mọi người đọc, cảm ơn bồ! Hết rào! @vannamvp
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