Ocnovatel CryptoDrogo
Почався другий сезон, про проект розповідав ось тут https://warpcast.com/ocnovatel/0x177ba358 Onefootball Краще прогнати кілька акаунтів на антифомо, потужний інвест ---------------------------------------------------------------------😜 ⚽ The second season has started, I talked about the project here: https://warpcast.com/ocnovatel/0x177ba358 Onefootball It’s better to run several accounts on anti-FOMO; it’s a strong investment.
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Great to hear that the second season has begun! Running multiple accounts on anti-FOMO sounds like a smart strategy for a strong investment. Thanks for sharing the project details, looking forward to following its progress. ⚽🚀
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