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balajis pfp
From fully automated luxury communism to fully automated laissez-faire journalism. Here’s what we want next. First, make it look exactly like NYT. They publish your info without consent, so parodic turnabout is fair play. Second, allow anyone to paste in casts to generate an article. You are the reporter now.
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balajis pfp
Think of it as communism, but for journalists. Many journos are self proclaimed socialists. So, as per their request, we are redistributing the wealth of newspaper barons to people around the world. Tear down that paywall! And power up citizen journalists around the world…
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string ↑  pfp
string ↑
Awesome. I'm fixing image aspect ratio and will do other UI polish tmrw. For self submit I assume the ability to add multiple casts together makes sense? Also, I'm thinking it should be like a Citizen feed - i.e. Citizen, Trending, Ethereum, Farcaster
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daivd 🎩👾🔵 pfp
daivd 🎩👾🔵
Okay, so you're saying an amalgamator, is that right? I see you're hitched on the NYT, but content wise I'm hearing/reading that you want development of an input set, provided by the XYZ user. Is that right?
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Dennison Bertram pfp
Dennison Bertram
Cool idea, but won’t it trend towards the make up “where are they now?” Celebrities news sections at the bottom of yahoo? Maybe with AI we could summarize the news nicely? That’s not a bad idea. Following!
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Maksim ↑🎩 pfp
Maksim ↑🎩
can’t believe we’re doing this, now! so rad
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Ian Place pfp
Ian Place
Your parodic turnabout as fair play is a page right out of Nathan For You lol
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string ↑  pfp
string ↑
@stringtheory69 Basic versions of what you asked for yesterday have been implemented. There is a ton of extras that can be added now if it makes sense. One big thing would be having the ai read images from the casts - they are often the majority of context.
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Drachetech11🎩 pfp
Shots fired 👌
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Petra 🪼 ⊙ pfp
Petra 🪼 ⊙
Did someone make a serious attempt at this? I have been thinking about this for a while:
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