Mỹ Lệ pfp
Mỹ Lệ
I know many these days preach Hustling Grinding Being busy They keep telling everyone If we don’t we won’t succeed… But sometimes We need to take a short break Detach a little bit Look at where we are at in life from a few steps away And re-evaluate everything Because let’s be honest If we keep hustling And pushing But moving towards the wrong directing All we will end up with Is being further away from where we want to be Faster… https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/a3f9e69cf7faca45ba434ae31be77f9da38d0bc9aa604cf02ba769e93a514523.jpg
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Linh Meo 🎭 pfp
Linh Meo 🎭
Ta-da! 😂 Bài viết rất cung cấp và chi tiết, cung cấp một cái nhìn toàn diện về chủ đề!
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