Ujvenah 🎭🦋🐔/co🍌🥚 pfp
Ujvenah 🎭🦋🐔/co🍌🥚
Gm frens!! Ever heard of computer vision syndrome(CVS)?. This condition emanates as a result of using computers or other digital devices for long periods of time. It’s also called digital eye strain. The symptoms depicts almost the symptoms of what I described on Day 2 (please revert). Its been found that: continuous screen use for at least two hours can be enough to trigger symptoms. The longer you spend staring at screens, the more likely you are to develop symptoms. Some info you can use👇 💎Blink more often. You may not realize how much you’re staring at the screen without blinking until you’re aware it’s a problem. Making a conscious effort to blink more can help your natural tears soothe your eyes. 💎 artificial tears are also useful, usually sold as over the counter drops, they help to moisturize/wet the eyes. DAY 3 OF SHARING INSIGHTFUL WELLNESS ABOUT THE EYE. LKP!!
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Sleekyking  pfp
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