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I don't have a good sense for what should be the minimum score on FarRank or OpenRank to weed out spambots and yet not exclude legitimate users (mostly because I don't know what the statistical distribution of ranks looks like). Any empirical guidance you can share on a reasonable threshold?
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Also: I have appointed two co-moderators with Bypass/Curate/Hide/Ban privileges to my channel, but they cannot see the "Recent (Mod)" feed. So they can only hide/ban content from the "Main" feed, but cannot bypass/curate hidden content from the "Recent (Mod)" feed. Is there a way to make them see it? @jtgi I'd appreciate your guidance on both questions, please, I'm a bit lost
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> FarRank, OpenRank For frame of reference, power badge is about 3,500 users. So if you want to expand the audience you can increase it beyond that. There’s no threshold that won’t exclude new users. You can pair it with “Followed by X” or add them to the bypass list but realistically new people need to reply to be seen in busy channels since Warpcast rarely pushes channel casts in to the timeline and few navigate directly to channels. Heads up though, channels are changing significantly so I wouldn’t spend too much energy on this.
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as far as there’re new users coming in there won’t be a minimum score on “FR” or “OR” so that might most likely not work but if i were to say, based on the people i’ve brought in after a few days they rise up to 0.004, lowest i’ve seen is 0.0001. But to weed out bots and check for real users i use what i call the #proof of Nfts which would take more or less time (if you know what you’re looking for) than checking Open Rank and Far rank.
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