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⚡Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France by National Anti-Fraud Office. Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested in 🇫🇷France and placed in custody by agents of France's National Anti-Fraud Office, according to a report from reputable French news site TF1. Durov was reportedly arrested after traveling with a woman and his bodyguard from Azerbaijan to Paris's Le Bourget airport, which exclusively services private jets. Durov was the subject of a search warrant from OFMIN, an investigative agency which combats child sexual exploitation in France, based on a preliminary investigation, according to the report.  The news report noted that the billionaire Durov typically travels very little in Europe, perhaps in an attempt to avoid being detained in this very way, as the news site noted his arrest warrant was only valid on French territory. "He made a mistake tonight. We don't know why... Was this flight just a stopover? In any case, he's locked up," a source reportedly t…
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