Scroll recently launched a new Canvas campaign. While marks are probably the main thing that'll determine how the drop is distributed, Canvas will be a way to show on-chain activity and help users stand out from hundreds of similar wallets. It's also worth noting that badges and tasks are created by ecosystem projects, not by the Scroll team. The co-founder of Scroll says that on-chain data is the fairest way to evaluate a network user. Many badges require some amount of liquidity/spend, and I think this is part of the anti-sybil system, among other things. Each badge will be credited with 1 mark under Session 2. Also, it's likely that the quantity/quality of badges will be one of the criteria for the drop distribution, so be sure to mint at least some for your wallets. Badges statistic. For now you only have to mint three badges to get into the top 10% of wallets:
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