Aspyn pfp
After many months of building, Net (aka WillieNet) is now open source! Net is a decentralized censorship-resistant onchain messaging protocol created as a public good - always free to use (outside of gas) Before deploying to mainnet, I'm seeking contract feedback from other devs
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Aspyn pfp
The main contracts are in the `protocol/src/net` directory: Net allows user to send onchain messages (text and/or data), stores all message data onchain, and provides easy access to query those messages by app, user, and topic
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Aspyn pfp
Reviews of Net.sol in particular would be greatly appreciated (@emo.eth @apex777 @0age @horsefacts.eth @deployer @backseats @codincowboy and all the other gigabrain devs I know) Shoot me a DM or reply with any feedback you may have πŸ™
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Aspyn pfp
I don't have funds to pay for a formal audit. I am building Net (WillieNet) as a public good for free as I believe onchain decentralized messaging is an interesting primitive to exist for myself + others to build on Thanks in advance and no worries if you don't have time to review the code or only do paid audits
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Aspyn pfp
@7858.eth @ralxz also meant to include u guys (and Stephan and Ben, tho can’t find them on Farcaster) on that list above πŸ˜€
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7858 pfp
Props, can’t wait to take a look. Btw our guy Stephan is @stephan We still need to get Ben on here tho
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