Akshay Sinha pfp

Akshay Sinha


119 Following

Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
I don't care how much you work out if you slow me down on long treks. Learn to breathe well.
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
We at Rivera recently concluded our first 2 weeks with ProxySwap LP staking. Some insights and data from our first epoch for ProxySwap LP staking: - 67% of the TVL we have in Proxy LPs are currently being staked for lucrative yield in the form of $DEGEN, $PROXY and $xRIV - Rivera vaults currently manage 25% of the TVL of ProxySwap on Degen - Around 100 unique wallets created their LP positions using Rivera; the total tx count increased by over 500 - 350+ tx on the staking contract, suggesting a rapid movement of funds from users in the hope of chasing the highest APR We have already distributed 500 $PROXY, 100k $DEGEN and 60k $xRIV to all our users in the previous epochs. The next 2 weeks will be the same with 500 $PROXY, 100k $DEGEN and 60k $xRIV in rewards. This is just the start of things to come. cc - @proxystudio.eth @saxenasaheb.eth @jacek
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Epoch-9 xRIV rewards have been distributed. https://app.rivera.money/#/rewards
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Have to deploy some sort of liquidity locking for early buyers of a meme. They can single handedly destroy the market
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
No all the tokens are still there. https://explorer.degen.tips/address/0xB73df12A3F8a50876034549d270F670Aae9d0BF3 This wallet sniped yesterday and sold everything
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Good points
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Just helping explore the wild πŸ˜‰
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Top-5 in 24H volume already?? 😡 On a serious note, we want suggestions to make it sustainable and reward real users with real intent. Top replies get a share of 500 $LSD
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
God's work
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Correction: Max Supply is 420k $LSD Circulating MCap is ~$1M
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
I think a couple of them interacted on my original cast. Rest were snipers who really sniped well. Can drop in stages too though, weekly or something
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
I agree with microcaps for micro-communities, let's bring over the other community members. PS - Still got ~35% undecided airdrop, should I drop them to active FBI members? 🀯
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Ohh damn, what have I done. 1000x lower supply, 1000x ....
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
thanks ser πŸ˜‡
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
I tried that, blockscout doesn't give the download csv option. They did mention in their latest blog that they are allowing it. Also called token API but only 50 addresses got exported :(
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Can someone help with exporting address data for $PROXY holders? 1M $LSD Bounty
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Have a safe trip
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Deployed something for ProxySwap users. Max Supply: 420M $LSD 25% - LP (locked) 2.5% - ProxySwap platform fee 35% - Airdrop to Proxy dex users (this week) 15% - Airdrop to those who actively engage on FC (later this week) 22.5% - TBD Open to suggestions! https://dexscreener.com/degenchain/0x19910cbb00e12587907cce794be4da964ec23b8e
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Building a stable between BTC and ETH in this spectrum at Palladium Labs. Would love to know your thoughts.
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Akshay Sinha pfp
Akshay Sinha
Typo on Wildcard It got me confused for a bit.
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