Arthur Sabintsev pfp

Arthur Sabintsev


58 Following

Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅ pfp
Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅
FIT21 passes 279-136. The takeaway is simple: The global economy will be built onchain American will be at the forefront of its creation It will be accessible to everyone, everywhere Onwards to the Senate, to confirm this historic milestone for crypto, freedom, and the world.
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Arthur Sabintsev pfp
Arthur Sabintsev
This is really cool!
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
It is still very early!
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Arthur Sabintsev pfp
Arthur Sabintsev
EDH and cEDH, but sparingly.
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Arthur Sabintsev pfp
Arthur Sabintsev
Not only is protocol revenue live, it’s growing. Many centralized providers are beginning to settle their traffic on POKT through multiple gateways built on top of the network.
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Arthur Sabintsev pfp
Arthur Sabintsev
This has been done for web2 apps so many times and has failed countless times due to building on top of other peoples ecosystems. 100% would prefer an option built on top of permissionless protocol. More chance for not getting rugged by centralized providers.
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Arthur Sabintsev pfp
Arthur Sabintsev
Forgot to tag @dwr.eth and @v! Excited to try this platform!
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Arthur Sabintsev pfp
Arthur Sabintsev
Hello, World!
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