Han🎭⚡ pfp



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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Never lie to someone who trusts you Never trust someone who lies...
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Applying makeup only makes you look beautiful on the outside, but if you are ugly on the inside, it won't help you unless you eat makeup...!
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
People's loneliness is big, very big. maybe it is as wide as a sea, But a glass of love is enough to fill it...
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
We tried to build a society where there is nothing to envy the neighbor, but there is always something to envy...
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
I don't trust those who say they don't love themselves but tell us they love you. An African proverb says: "Be very careful when a naked person offers you clothes." - Maya Angelou
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Get married! If you find a good wife, You will be happy. If you find a bad wife, You will become a philosopher. - Socrates
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
"Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them."
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Last night when I didn't know which of my pains to cry for, I laughed a lot... Sadiq Hedayat
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
How many times have I told you that your basic mistake is underestimating the importance of eyes? Human language may be able to hide the truth; But the eyes never...! 📚 Murshid and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Among all the hustle and bustle of life Between all these worries Among all these worries between all these routines, Don't forget to live!
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
What was this future that I forbade the best days of my life to meet?!
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
There is no right or wrong; We act according to our needs...
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
People may be repetitive;  But when they are gone, they will not be repeated, so appreciate them while they are there... - Parviz Prastavii
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
It is better to say "for a while" instead of "forever". And instead of "I know" say "I hope so" Instead of saying "life is impossible without this and that" Say, "My life would be harder if this and that didn't exist." In this case, you will live confidently and give confidence to others...
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
In fact, legends of heaven and hell have always been created in various religions to motivate the middle class and to consider their actions. The intensity and weakness of heaven and hell in terms of deception and fear among different nations and ethnic groups can be measured in proportion to their understanding and intelligence.
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
There is one thing that lasts forever, that is love
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
The result of life There are no things that We collect Rather, it is hearts that with love We attract
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
The seeds of all our misfortunes are planted in the years when we deal with people who believe that they not only know what is right for themselves, but also know what is right for others!
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Whenever you want to know if you are really hungry or just bored, do you want to eat an apple? If the answer is no, it means that it's just plain boring.
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Han🎭⚡ pfp
Once upon a time, prominent figures of every society were scientists and educated people who devoted their time to solving people's problems. But now the most famous characters in the society are unsavory people who only know how to take pictures and videos of themselves and their plates of food and post them on social networks.
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