Ariya  pfp



1254 Following

Ariya  pfp
As a new guy, I am spending my summer here in this channel😁 Learning as much as I can
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Ariya  pfp
Claim $KING
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Ariya  pfp
This is $REGEN The new leader of the world It is changing the world on its whole basis In the new world Everyone must donate and have each other back Everyone must help build towards the future This is gonna change the very way of life!
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Ariya  pfp
Claim $PEPE
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Ariya  pfp
Did you know that between etherium layer 2's like arbitrium and polygon and... the BASE has the fastest speed and the lowest transaction fee? This is all was made possible by coinbase and etherium cooperation! So a great cheers to them both!
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Ariya  pfp
$REGEN started with the motto of helping people and projects around the world But lately, the heat is dropping Let's call a press conference and ask some questions from it Did it uphold the expectations? What do you think about its future?
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Ariya  pfp
Do you know Ethereum actually has several co-founders?? the one most credited with its creation is Vitalik Buterin. Buterin is a programmer who became involved with cryptocurrency early on. He proposed the idea for Ethereum in a white paper in 2013 and then collaborated with others to launch the platform in 2015
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Ariya  pfp
The former king of the jungle the famous magical hat just gave up the throne to the shining red mushroom! $REGEN is destined for greatness And it's gonna help everyone around the world to get there
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Ariya  pfp
Have you heard the latest news? Us sec has approved the ETF for etherium Now Combine that with the $150M fundraising that the farcaster platform received, This is some good news for us all specially for the founders of farcaster and its subsets It is gonna help us all reach greatness
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Ariya  pfp
This is the famous 1918 flu pandemic Where people wore masks to protect themselves. Nowadays things are different We wear masks because it is our true identity We are the mask itself
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Ariya  pfp
⛓ All trenches lead onchain
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Ariya  pfp
I think we should spend a moment for gratitude towards the founders of warpcast and farcaster It is with their support that Many many childs like 🎩 or 🍄 or 🍖 or many many others are making progress and growing. Progress that is changing all our lives! Remember We are so early here!
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Ariya  pfp
Our beautiful and shining red mushroom is on top of news in every corner of the world! Every day more and more people will know about it Better to be at its side before it's too late
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Ariya  pfp
At first our beloved red mushroom began with donating and helping other people. But when it's heart became clear to others they chose it as their leader.because it has the kindest heart among everything
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Ariya  pfp
A new cooperation is here The big shining red mushroom is helping and protecting the old purple wizard! May this cooperation help us all to reach greatness! What's your opinion about this?
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Ariya  pfp
This red mushroom is the new saviour of the era Support it and it is gonna help us all reqch greatness friends It is the key to future $REGEN for us all
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Ariya  pfp
I just joined the $REGEN airdrop by @RegenToken Lets start this and help all who are in need around the world Check yours at
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Ariya  pfp
@ariyafa Yesterday i told you about when i fell in love. Now hear about when we both went on our seperate ways This song is the best
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Ariya  pfp
@ariyafa This is a memorable song for me Remembers me of a tike when i fell in love As anathema says : Suddenly, life has new meaning 🤗
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Ariya  pfp
@ariyafa This guy has a heavenly sound! I suggest this song yo anyone who haven't heared it before. One of the best songs ever. If i remember correctly he won a prize for it
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