Say her name: Ahou Daryaei. Say her name out loud: AHOU DARYAEI.
Her name is Ahou Daryaei, a PhD student in Tehran, who defied Iran's violent gender apartheid with unmatched bravery. On November 2, 2024, after the morality police tore away her headscarf and clothes, she chose to remove the last layers herself, sitting outside her university in protest, a stark statement against repression. Her quiet defiance became a voice for countless women silenced under oppressive laws.
Harassed by Basiji militia, beaten, and arrested, Ahou was left with severe head trauma and is now held as "insane", the punishment for courage under tyranny. In a world that glorifies oppression and brutality as "freedom fighting" and labels bravery and dissent as madness, those who dare to stand for justice are silenced, tortured, and erased.
This is not justice, it is an appeal to conscience. Stand for Ahou Daryaei. Stand for the people of Iran. Let not courage die in darkness.
Women, life, freedom. 15 replies
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Evet, Turkiye'de de bircok kadin acimasizca olduruyor ve bunlarin bir kisminin ne kapanma ne de acilmayla ilgisi yok dediginiz gibi Bu, aslinda sorunun ne giydigimizde, ne acilmakta, ne de kapanmakta oldugunu gosteriyor. Sorunun kokunde, bir baskasinin bizim dusuncelerimize, bedenimize, secimlerimize mudahale etme hakkini kendinde gormesi yatiyor.
Bir kadin istedigi gibi kapanir, acilir ama mesele onun bu hakkini ozgurce kullanabilmesinde, buna kimsenin dokunmaya kalkmamasinda. Kadinin iradesine, bedenine, hayatina saygi duyulmadigi surece, bu zulum hep var olacak.
Ben aslinda burada sadece "dokunulmaz" oldugumuzu haykirmak istiyorum. Kendi hayatina, kendi iradesine, kendi yoluna… Kadınlar, neyi secerse secsin, tek basina ve ozgurce yuruyebilmeli. 0 reply
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