Yihan Zhou pfp
Yihan Zhou
it seems that we only have "follow", "comment", and "like" as the relations among identities in most social networks . However, due to the lack of explicit semantics, these relations can not reflect the nature or feature of the relations. Would it be useful to have semantic explicit social relations?
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Antony Lewis pfp
Antony Lewis
I don’t speak for social relations among actors, but more types of reaction for posts/casts might be interesting - LinkedIn is ok but maybe there could be responses indicating “interesting”, “agree”, “disagree”, “say more”, and probably some others…
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Yihan Zhou pfp
Yihan Zhou
would like to have a look on the project i am building bit.ly/yes3app the ultimate goal is to build a social graph that is composed of semantically explicit relations and can transfer on chain credit from those who have on chain evidence to those who do not. Love to hear your feedback.
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