The Guardian of the Abyss In the unfathomable depths of the Seven Seas Ocean, where even light hesitates to venture, a legend has frightened sailors and aquatic creatures for millennia: "Abyssar", the Hybrid Guardian. The Birth of the Beast Once, the ocean had only one sovereign: Nerina, the Queen of the Seven Seas, an immortal entity who watched over the fragile balance between the abyss and the surface. But one day, invaders from beyond the stars threw a monstrous machine into the depths, a being of steel with infernal gears. The goal was simple: to dominate the oceans by replacing nature with cold and infallible mechanics. Nerina, determined to protect her kingdom, used her magic to merge the machine with an ancient leviathan, an organic creature as old as the oceans themselves. The beast thus created became Abyssar: half-flesh, half-steel, endowed with mechanical intelligence and an uncontrollable animal instinct.
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The Call of the Deep The ocean is calm that day. Too calm. Sailors feel the currents freeze and birds flee the surface. Then, a gigantic shadow darkens the waters. The lights of Abyssar light up like twin suns in the darkness. A voice from the depths whispers: — “The seas are not for taking. Return to your lands, before the ocean takes you.” And as the sea roars and the waves rise like mountains, men remember that the ocean has a guardian… and that it never forgets. End of the story… or beginning of the legend? Some believe that one day, a hero or an outcast will succeed in defying Abyssar to take control of the oceans. Others believe that it is an eternal curse, a balance that no one can break. But all know one thing: beneath the waves, where the light dies, terror has a name. Abyssar, the shadow of the Seven Seas.
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