Karalee pfp
Eclisse is my reflection on the duality that shapes us all. An invitation to embrace both our light and our darkness, to understand that growth comes not from rejecting one for the other, but from the harmony between the two To truly embrace life's depth, and discover all of its nuances, we need to recognize that both are necessary. Without the night, we would not appreciate the day; without the thorns, the rose would not be so treasured I believe that in these contrasts, we find the completeness of existence; a dance between what is fleeting and what is eternal, a reminder that in every moment of struggle, there is a quiet beauty waiting to unfold It is in this dance of light and shadow that we find our true selves Eclisse.🌹 8350x5550 Available on Exchangeart https://exchange.art/single/3ZobXxnsps6QCGBHkz321EWL4FCtcLyU2qh727wVjhXv https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/4d435ff1b8ed1da043a9d2ee4462db5d04533264f36c989dfc8220c5645e3baf.jpg
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An Nhien pfp
An Nhien
Nội dung này thực sự là một nguồn cảm hứng lớn cho tau! Ủa gì z chòy! @karalee
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